Monday, April 16, 2012

G.O.V. Government Officials:Barack Obama, Vote or Else

It is now the year 2012, and Americans live in a poisonous political climate.  A lot of things have people all over this country and the world on edge.  Case in point, it has been 4 years since this nation en mass, spoke as one to elect our first black president, Barack Hussein Obama.  

Right now, in the city of North Chicago, the social and political climate is particularly hostile and it is the opinion of this blogger that it will get worse before it does get better.  People, now more than ever, need to get out and vote.  Nationally as well as locally, our voices must be heard. 

I have always voted.  I felt that it was a right of passage for me as an American of African descent.  I know my history, and I know people bled and died for the simple privilege of checking the box next to a candidates name.  Our history is what it is in this nation.  A lot of it is not pretty.  Most of it is quite ugly, but it is the good, the bad and the ugly times that made America the great nation that it is today.

 These ideas are not lost on the men of G.O.V.  Their latest single is called "Barack Obama, Vote or Else".

This blog was not meant to endorse any political candidate or social point of view.  This blog was and is meant to expose and inform the world about the talents of regular people here in North Chicago, IL.  It would be foolish of this blogger to gloss over this song simply because on the surface it is serves as an endorsement for a political candidate.  However, it is the opinion of this blogger that what this song is, is simply a call to action.
That said, I invite all who listen to hip hop music, and all who read this blog, to watch the video and really listen to the lyrics of this song.  Leave your comments below and try to be respectful of each other whether you agree or disagree. 

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