Monday, October 29, 2012


     It has been a while fellow street beat readers, but the beat goes on.  I have been so busy with my own projects that have neglected this blog.  For that, I apologize.

     Right now, I am listening to the latest release from the BMG Blocklife Music Group.  Yes, Blocklife (his last release was Sex and Cereal), has done it again.   His latest mixtape is entitled "Objects In The Mirror", plays like a street hustler's anthem.  With thirteen individual tracks, this mixtape debuted on October 11, 2012. 

The music in Objects in the Mirror is the same kind I have come to expect from Blocklife:  Hardcore, money earning, ego driven, street living & reality spitting--no more, no less.
     Always representing North Chicago and Lake County to the fullest, Blocklife has produced another banger.  The beats sound hard and homemade.  And all the tracks are lyrically tight.  However, don't take my opinion for it, if you like underground hip hop/gangster rap music, if you want to hear something you wouldn't on the radio and if you tired of that bubble gum BS masquerading as rap in the mainstream, get hip to Lake County Illinois' local music scene.  And tune in for more articles right here on NOGOSTREETBEAT before the end of this year.
Ya heard!